
Extension: How to draw...

WALT: Use a step by step method to create a creative art piece.

Fun ART activities - Extension

Mosaics with Google Drawings

WALT: Use 2D shapes and the polyline tool to create mosaic art on Google Drawings.

Similar to the self-portrait activity above, another creative way to make art with Google Drawings is this mosaic project. Rather than trying to make a "realistic" version of yourself, in this activity you transform a source image with colored shapes like mosaic tiles or stained glass.

Here's the basic steps:

  • Create a Google Drawing and set the background to black.

  • Then insert the photo you want to transform.

  • Next use any of the "Shape" tools or the "Polyline" tool to cover the image with quadrilaterals, triangles, or other shapes that fit your desired style.

  • Leave some room between the shapes so the background can show through later.

  • Color in the shapes to match the portion of the image they are covering (again you can go with the default colors provided in Drawings, or you can use a color picker extension then set a custom fill color).

  • When done, delete the original image so that you just have your colors tiles on the black background for you completed mosaic art.