Discovery and Expressions

Term 3

Speeches 2021

Speeches 2021

Make sure you are taking time to work on your speech! To get some feedback/ feedforward from your teacher, record yourself and email it to them.

Expression is more than what we do with our faces...what does EXPRESSION mean to you?

One way that we can express ourselves is through sharing stories. One of the earliest forms of expression is animation.

The fascinating roots of Animation

People realized very quickly that pictures taken of a moving object could be flipped through in succession, to create the illusion of a motion picture. Did you know that a 5200-year-old pottery depicted a moving goat through a series of images?

Now take a look at the following image from an Egyptian mural showcasing a wrestling match through a series of images:

Could you guess that this mural is around 4000 years old? Another mesmerizing art form that closely resembles animation became popular in 18th century France - it was called shadowgraphy. People actually told stories using hand drawn shadows - also called ‘cinema in silhouette’.

Stories were also being told with the help of the magic lantern (invented by Christiaan Huygens in (1659) used to project moving images.

  • What does shadowgraphy mean?

  • Technology has helped animation in range of ways. What else has technology helped in YOUR everyday life?

  • Which country did the wrestling match mural come from?

  • Use a video or app to animate yourself! There are two examples below.

Paralympics Choiceboard - Open.pdf