Direct Instruction

The learning intention for this lesson was:

This video shows  a reading group meeting with me to learn about reading with expression and enthusiasm to engage an audience. The children have listened to some recordings and discuss how engaging they were for them. They then have a go at reading with and without expression to highlight the difference it has on the overall engagement levels for the audience. 

Extended plan here


Overall the lesson went well. It helped to demonstrate what reading with no expression or enthusiasm sounded like and then getting the children to mimic it. It gave them a reference point to work from.  In my initial plan I had the children change certain elements of their expression as they read; however, in the end, I found it more effective for them to try and read with expression and to receive feedback from their peers about it. The children seemed to engage with the lesson and enjoy it (particularly doing the character voices). From listening to their recording it’s evident to see them reading with greater enthusiasm and expression.

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Manaiakalani Education Trust 

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes 

Auckland, New Zealand