Direct Instruction

The learning intention for this lesson was to;

In this video we are working on our fractions knowledge and applying this knowledge to some problem solving activities. With their fractions understanding, students then created some videos to share this learning with others. 

Extended Lesson Plan


At the end of the session the students all had a good understanding of how to change fractions to all have the same denominator. They were then able to order a range of fractions. 

The students collaborated with each other really well, they were using a lot of good vocabulary and explanations when they were discussing their learning. 

I still don’t think I have nailed the camera angles, at times when I was presenting information to the workshop group, I think it would have been better to see their faces more. 

Next Steps

Class Site Content

Math Slide - Equivalent Fractions

 Learner Generated Content


Blog Post


Blog Post

Manaiakalani Education Trust 

PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes 

Auckland, New Zealand