Poetry in Lockdown
Reading a range of poems required students to:
confidently use a range of processing and comprehension strategies to make meaning from and think critically about poetry
identify how the author has used language for effect - explore rhyme, rhythm, repetition and other poetry features
read expressively for an audience and enjoy poetry
During the entire poetry week, the students stayed highly engaged and motivated. I was pleased with the enthusiasm and active participation of all of them. I created multiple opportunities to scaffold stronger readers and at the same time allowed my not-so-confident learners to enjoy these lessons and feel successful while completing differentiated activities. I believe that I managed to create an equitable learning environment and experience for my diverse learners. An important part of this success was preparing a collection of high-interest reading resources and tasks that the students were able to use both during Google Meets and independently during home learning.
Class Site Content
Enjoy and appreciate poetry
Explore poetry elements and language
Examine poems more closely in order to evaluate our understanding.
participate in Google Meet lessons and complete various poetry activities
practise fluency and expressive reading skills
record themselves reading poems
Share your learning on your blog and during online lessons
Learner Generated Content
Elena Terekhina
Glen Taylor School
Manaiakalani Education Trust
PO Box 18 061, Glen Innes
Auckland, New Zealand