Writing a quality blog comment

Writing a quality blog comment takes practise.

If your learners are new to blogging and writing their own blog comments start here.

Use your computer to read your comments back to you - Read&Write for Google Chrome 

Ask your Google Admin to push this out to Chromebooks

If your learners are familiar with Cybersmart Quality Comments and your goal is to revisit the elements of quality comments consider starting here.

Smart Relationships: Writing a quality blog comment?

Writing a quality blog comment takes practise.

Craft Your Comments

A repurposed version of the slide deck Writing a quality blog comment

For learners who have their own blog and are posting comments regularly and independently on other learners' blogs.

Includes links to word banks of Greetings, Endings and comment starters for quick reference.

Provides a record of comments and learners can duplicate slides as needed.

Supports opportunities for commenting to be scheduled as an independent task at a regular time each week.

Focusing on elements of a quality comment

Take time to focus on a specific element of a comment and collaborate with your learners to write a comment in response to a blog post.

Writing Thoughtful Comments
Writing Helpful Comments

Commenting Resources: Copy, repurpose, print and share

Recognising a blog comment of the week or month

Set up  similar to blog post of the week

Invite learners to vote via a Google Form. Include success criteria as a dropdown and upload a screen grab from the blog in support or voters create and share a DLO on their blog in support of their nomination.

by Katie Nisbett from Grey Main School

Ngā mihi nui - our team in Otaki have created and shared these blog comment sentence starters in te reo pakeha and te reo māori

Create a Commenting Card for Whānau

This support card is available to copy and personalise for your learners.  Languages supported include English, Te Reo, and Niuean. Tongan and Samoan.

Whānau Blogging Support Template

Instructions for download:

Downloaded files can be shared digitally or printed

Thanks to Karen Belt : Whānau Blogging Support

Sentence Starters by Kelsey @ Urū Manuka

CyberSmart Commenting License Template Made By Laura Walters YMS.pdf