Screencast For Teachers:

App settings and requirements

Harnessing screencasts to Learn, Create and Share

Organised on a site page that could be copied to your class site as a lesson sequence.  Click here to view 

Google Screencast for ChromeOS (Product Update)

Teachers can record, trim, transcribe and share lessons or demos for rewindable learning. Students can create their own screencasts to share their ideas and what they’ve learned. Recordings are stored on Google Drive, and can be accessed via link to the Screencast app – at school or from home. 

To use the new Screencast tool you will need to be using a Chromebook with version 103 of the operating system or higher. Language needs to be English (US). Open the Screencast tool from the ChromeOS launcher.

Introducing Google Screencast for ChromeOS Recommended watch - Very helpful blogpost and Screencast from Eric Curts

Use slides recording in Google Slides

Screencast your DLO

Start by using  Screencast to add sound and motion to an existing Digital Learning Object. From Google Drive these can be embedded in blogs and shared.

For example:

Co-constructing success criteria to identify vocabulary and significant word groups they can use to support their writing.

Scaffolding prompts for self assessment

Resources to help teachers with creating learning intentions and success criteria. Assessment for Learning

Smart Learner: Keyboard Shortcuts and Voice Typing

Build Reading Mileage 

Smart Learner: Build Reading Milage with Screencastify

Room 6 @ Saint Patrick’s School

Learners in Room 6 share their first attempts using the Screencast App on their Chromebooks. To help focus on using the App confidently they recorded themselves reading a familiar texts written earlier.

More opportunities to build their reading mileage too.

Plan and Create a Screencast

Screencasts are best when they are short and include impact e.g. are helpful and breakdown how to do something, a visual representation of learning and ideas, include original content created by the learner e.g.

See Smart Learners Share below

Planning a Screencast

Smart Learners Share

 Confident Chrome-bookers create a screencast to share at least one of the following:

Create screencast, upload to Google Drive and share on their blog. 

Agree on a blog label and encourage learners to comment on other learners' posts.

Share  links to these posts on the class blog