The little Rascals

Identifying shot types

Create a storyboard that matches this scene from the Little Rascals

Once you have finished your storyboard, give it to someone else and then try and film it. Once we have finished filming we will edit it and see how close we got to the original.

Extra for experts

Think about using greenscreen to recreate the setting and locations.

Napolean Dynamite

Identifying shot types

Create a storyboard that matches this scene from the Napolean Dynamite

Once you have finished your storyboard, give it to someone else and then try and film it. Once we have finished filming we will edit it and see how close we got to the original.

Extra for experts

Think about using greenscreen to recreate the setting and locations.

Quick cuts Montage

Recreate this scene of Scott Pilgrim getting ready. Use your camera and actors motion to highlight what is essential for your character when getting ready.

What is an everyday thing that you could make funny in this scene?

What do you have at school that you could use?

Extra for experts

Add movement to each of your shots making sure you match the movement at the end and start of each shot. 

Your character is made happy by something

2 Mid shots

2 Close ups

1 Reverse shot

1 low angle shot

Your character is made sad by something

1 Long shot

1 Close up

1 Mid shot

1 Extreme Closeup

1 High angle shot

Your character has to rush to get somewhere in time

1 long shot

2 Mid shots

1 closeup

1 tracking shot