(for Teachers)

Downloading the App

Explain Everything is now available for Mac

Download it here

You need your Apple ID to download the App

Pin it to your Shelf

QR code for this site page

Click on the icon to download test example to iPad

Setting up the App

Log in with your Google account - you will be able to directly export your files to Drive

Logging in - not sure of your account details? Go to your iPad Explain Everything App and check account details there

NB You will not see the projects stored on your iPad

Open a new project and use just as you would on an iPad

NB I did have issues (section further down this page) with a few messages coming up when saving - could be issues because it the App is new & not yet resolved.

Inspector Tool

is in a different place

Select the element and a toolbar appears.

Each item in the toolbar has a drop down menu


Can export as a Project and save directly to Drive (if signed in and you account is linked)


I had to close any notifications on my EE screen to save the project. Was a bit weird! But then after working more on the project it saved????

I had to turn this on each time I went into the project. Bit of a glitch.