Committed to Excellence

Dear Malakoff ISD Students, Parents and Guardians:

WELCOME to the 2020-2021 school year!

Teaching and learning remains a top priority for Malakoff ISD as we continue to serve our students and their families, despite the on-going health and safety implications caused by the COVID-19 virus. We sincerely appreciate everyone's patience and understanding during this unprecedented time.

This At-Home Learning site contains pages for each campus by grade level or subject area and teacher. Campus pages will include teacher contact information and links to each teacher's Google classroom. Teachers will provide parents with an access code for their google classroom site. Parents and students will find a list of many of the digital resources that the district has access to along with instructions on how to access them. There are also resources on this page for Special Education, Dyslexia, and Tips & Tools for navigating google classrooms which can be easily accessed by clicking on the links in the gold boxes below.

Be assured our team is doing its best to connect and communicate with you through our website, social media and text messaging. Additionally, parents are able to set-up grading notifications in Parent Portal has the ability for set up grading notifications. However, we encourage students and parents to e-mail your teacher, administrator or any other staff member if you have any questions. Please be patient as we are working through many of these issues as they occur.

Many of our online resources use the Clever single sign-on system to have access to our online material. Our students are very familiar with this program, so they should know how to use it. If not, let someone on your campus know and we will work with you to get connected.

All of our campuses can be seen on the menu at the top of this homepage, and by using the links below.

Campuses, Programs and Information