
Term 3 | Week 1: Monday 22nd July

We are learning about creating quality blog posts.

Does your post include:

  • LEARNING: information about new learning, what you enjoyed, what challenged you and what you'll do next time, including your next steps.
  • IMPACT: information personal to your learning and interests, original content (DLO's) created by you.
  • PUNCTUATION: your learning makes sense, has great spelling and punctuation (demonstrates your commitment to excellence).
  • LAYOUT: has a great title, fits the page correctly and has great labels to show what the learning was about.

Learn | Ako

about how smart learners create great blog posts using images they are ALLOWED to reuse.

Create | Hanga

SMRF a copy of the 'CREATE' template to create your information DLO.

Share | Tohatoha

Share your learning on your blog.

How to create positive blog posts and comments online:

Ninja task:

Smart Learners are creating a positive digital footprint:

  • Think about how you advertise yourself online
  • Remember it will be there forever
  • Share content that you and your whānau will be proud of
  • Understand the difference between private and public information

Being cybersmart empowers our young people to become confident decision makers when they share and interact online and helps create a positive digital footprint.

Whenever and wherever we share online it's personal, visible and amplified. It is personal because we are sharing information about ourselves. Creating a positive digital footprint means learning to make smart decisions about what personal information we share and what personal information we keep private. If we are not sure we check with a trusted adult or keep it private.

We are learning about how we can share our learning by using our class blogs.

Check out our Tanemahuta blog below or open it by clicking here.