Assessment and Reporting

Weekly Reports

Mairehau High School is committed to providing parents and families with more immediate and regular feedback on their child’s behaviour in class and attitude towards learning.

Each of your child’s teachers will report a mark each week based around our collective CARE values:

Challenge: how well does your child challenge themselves to be the best they can be?

Achievement: has your child worked hard to reach their personal potential?

Responsibility: has your child displayed a responsible attitude around behaviour, managing self,

punctuality, and wearing their uniform with pride?

Empathy: has your child showed understanding and respect for the needs of others?

Teachers will use a scale of 1 - 5, with ‘1’ signalling that a student has displayed an extremely poor attitude towards school values, attitude and behaviour, and ‘5’ indicating outstanding work ethic, behaviour and attitude for the week.

Reports will be emailed to you each week on a Friday

Achievement Progress Reports

A separate achievement progress report will also be emailed to all families at the end of the term. In addition, we will email regular KAMAR credit summary reports home to the students who are sitting NCEA. Parents can, however, choose to access this information at any time through the Portal on our school app or school website.