About LINK Crew...

We are an entirely student-run organization of mentors-leader. We are committed to engaging with all Maine West students, especially our Freshmen, getting everyone involved with the tremendous opportunities available at Maine West. We want the experience of Freshman at West to be personalized to their interests and talents. Our belief is that students who are involved will be supported by their peers and sponsors/coaches, leading to a high school experience of connected-ness, growth, new experiences, healthy self-esteem, and positive choices.

Link Crew membership is available to all Juniors and Seniors who receive a positive recommendation from a Maine West staff member, and participate in an interview in the spring.

Thanks for visiting our page!  We can be reached by email at:

Mr. Hassman (nhassman@maine207.org)       Mrs. Franzen (jfranzen@maine207.org)