Scholarship Recipients

Jill Abramowitz

Beth Moore Scholarship

Degree Program: Master's in TESOL
Jill is pursuing her master's in TESOL. She plans to teach English Language Learners (ELLs) in an elementary school in Maine. Jill plans to graduate May, 2023.

Jamie Allen

Alice E. Toothaker Scholarship

Degree Program: Educational Psychology
Jamie is pursuing a master's in educational psychology. Her goal is to become a BCBA. She hopes to help clients make social, academic, and behavioral changes for a rewarding individual and family life. She enjoys running, dancing, and painting. Jamie plans to graduate May, 2024

Tara Berkoski

M. Ruth Perry '27 Endowed Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. In Educational Leadership
Tara is pursuing a master's in educational leadership. Her goal is to work with students to develop their self-efficacy while allowing them to become creative individuals in preparation for the future. Tara plans to graduate May, 2023.

Nadine Bravo

Jeanne Whynot-Vickers '74 & '82 and School of Education and Human Development Community Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-12 World Language. (Spanish & German) M.S.Ed. in TESOL
Nadine is studying to obtain certification in both secondary education in world language and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. She is a world traveler who hopes to share her passion for language and culture with her students. Nadine plans to graduate December, 2023.

Hailey Bryant

Stewart Belknap Hamblen 1924 Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-8
Hailey is studying elementary education. Her goal is to teach early elementary school to help instill a lifelong love and excitement for learning in her students. Hailey plans to graduate May, 2024

Elijah Crissinger

School of Education and Human Development Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. in Educational Psychology with a concentration in school psychology
Elijah is pursuing a master's in educational psychology. His goal is to become a school psychologist. His academic interest is in developmental disorders and youth mental health. Elijah plans to graduate May, 2026.

April Davis

School of Education and Human Development Clinical Fellows Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling, concentration in clinical mental health
April is pursuing a master's in counseling in clinical mental health. Her goal is to work with individuals and groups to help cultivate understanding and promote meaningful growth in the counseling field and is particularly interested in supporting educational environments. April plans to graduate May, 2023.

Tyler DeAngelis

Alice E. Toothaker Scholarship

Degree Program: PsyD
Tyler's goal is to work as a school psychologist in a rural setting. His interests are in rural mental health care, various therapy strategies, and school and family collaboration. Tyler plans to graduate May, 2025.

Trevor Engling

Lawrence H. and Pearl W. Fickett Educational Leadership Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. Ed. In Educational Leadership
Trevor is pursuing a master's in educational leadership. His goal is to become a middle school and/or high school social studies teacher and wrestling coach. He loves gardening and paddleboarding with his wife. Trevor plans to graduate May, 2023.

Garrett Erb

School of Education and Human Development Clinical Fellows Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling, concentration in clinical mental health
Garrett is pursuing a master's in counseling in clinical mental health. His goal is to help foster community healing. His academic interest is in trauma-informed psychotherapy. Garrett plans to graduate May, 2023.

Kacey Foerster

M. Ruth Perry '27 Endowed Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. in Special Education, Preservice
Kacey is pursuing a master's in special education. Her goal is to learn more about hippotherapy, a therapeutic horseback riding method that combines different therapies. She would like to own her own farm one day and offer part-time jobs to those with disabilities, as well as create therapeutic programs that focus on animal-assisted therapy. Kacey plans to graduate May, 2023.

Emily Garcia

Anna Keating Endowed Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-8
Emily is studying elementary education. Her goal is to become a second or third grade elementary school teacher and to engage with a variety of age groups in after-school programs. She wants to create a learning environment that ensures quality and equity for all students. Emily plans to graduate May, 2023.

Claire Grishaw-Jones

M. Ruth Perry '27 Endowed Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-8
Claire is studying elementary education. Her goal is to one day become a kindergarten teacher. She enjoys art history and creative writing. Claire plans to graduate May, 2024.

Elizabeth Hoffman

Ruth V. Conley Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling, concentration in clinical mental health
Elizabeth is pursuing a master's in counseling in clinical mental health. Her goal is to work as a professional counselor with families, adolescents, and children in the central Maine region. She hopes to help the community to build resilience, inclusion, and capacity by empowering clients to work towards their potential. Elizabeth plans to graduate May, 2025

Alexandra Hood

Angeliki Economopoulou Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling with a concentration in mental health
Alexandra is pursuing a master's in counseling in mental health. Her goal is to continue with her education to attain a PhD in Counselor Education to teach at the graduate level. She would like to participate in research and assist in providing high-quality education for future clinicians. Alexandra plans to graduate August, 2023

Emelia Inkpen

M. Ruth Perry '27 Endowed Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-8
Emilia is studying secondary education in the content area of science. Her academic interests are in biology, physics, and psychology and enjoys being a mentor. Emelia plans to graduate May, 2023.

Anna Kantolak

Dexter Huntoon Memorial Award

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling with a concentration in Clinical Rehabilitation
Anna is pursuing a master's in counseling for clinical rehabilitation. Her goals are to expand her knowledge of social advocacy, multicultural aspects and skills around counseling. She wants to open up her own practice one day and help people to find their independence. Anna plans to graduate May, 2024.

Marianne Keith

Lewis Arch Hamblen 1880 Scholarshipp

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-8
Marianne is studying elementary education. She is a third generation educator and her goal is to help children foster a love of learning and their scientific curiosity in the world around them. Marianne plans to graduate May, 2023.

Jane Kennery

Margaret McKenna Memorial Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. in TESOL
Jane is pursuing her TESOL. Her goal is to pursue action research in classrooms after graduation. She plans to use what she learns to approach ESL teaching and research.Jane plans to graduate May, 2024.

Chelsea Leclerc

Lewis Arch Hamblen 1880 Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-8
Chelsea is studying elementary education. Her goal is to create an inclusive and accepting classroom environment where students can both challenge themselves and persevere. Chelsea plans to graduate December, 2023.

Deenah Lewy

Henry C. Amoroso, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. in TESOL
Deenah is pursuing her TESOL with an ESL certification. She is interested in how the English language can be taught using various art forms, particularly theater. Deenah plans to graduate August, 2023.

Jacqueline Lyman

School of Education and Human Development Clinical Fellows Scholarship

Degree Program: PsyD
Jacqie is pursuing her PsyD in school psychology. She wants to integrate Pet-Assisted Therapy within her work as a school psychologist. To help with this she has a trained therapy dog and they have been doing Pet-Assessed Therapy together since 2012. Jacqueline plans to graduate August, 2023.

River Martin

Jeanne Whynot-Vickers '74 & '82 and School of Education and Human Development Community Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling, concentration in clinical mental health
River is pursuing a master's in counseling with a concentration in clinical mental health. River’s goal is to become a fully licensed LCPC and to work with individuals and families as they navigate the ebbs and flows of growth and healing, and also to specialize in gender affirming therapy for individuals who are non-binary, gender non-conforming, or transgender. River plans to graduate May, 2025.

Kristi McLean

Joseph A. and Nellie Elkins Hamblen Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S. in Special Education, Integrated
Kristi is pursuing a master's in special education. She is a Maine native and her goal is to become a special education elementary school teacher. Kristi plans to graduate May, 2024.

Anna Schwarz

Dr. Jean Whitney Memorial Scholarship for Aspiring Educators

Degree Program: M.S. in Special Education, Integrated
Anna is pursuing a master's in special education. Her goal is to provide inclusive and collaborative education to a variety of learners in a public school setting. Anna plans to graduate August, 2023.

Alexander Silver

Marcella Lee Davis Class of 1927 and 1964 Scholarship

Degree Program: M.S.Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-8
Alex is studying elementary education. His goal is to become a classroom teacher for grades two through four. His academic interests are in education and philosophy. Alex plans to graduate May, 2024.

Ruth-Anne Street

Franklin Talbot Scholarship

M.S.Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-8
Ruth-Anne is studying elementary education. Her goal is to teach from grades kindergarten through sixth and is particularly interested in English language arts, foreign languages, and social studies. She also hopes to one day teach abroad. Ruth-Anne plans to graduate May, 2024.

Additional Graduate Student Scholarship Recipients

Charles Berdahl

Degree Program: M.S. Ed. In Teaching and Learning, ETEP, K-12 Math, received the Almery R. and Kathleen L. Hamblen Scholarship.

Charles is pursuing secondary education with a focus in mathematics. He plans to teach middle or high school students in Maine. Charles plans to graduate May, 2023.

Kelsie Gagnon

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling, concentration in clinical mental health, received the School of Education and Human Development Clinical Fellows Scholarship.

Kelsie is pursuing her master’s in counseling with a concentration in clinical mental health and family systems. Her goal is to work as a private practice clinician, focusing on couples as well as individuals in order to help them live their most fulfilling, authentic, and vibrant lives. Kelsie plans to graduate December, 2023.

Amy Kirkpatrick

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling, concentration in clinical mental health, received the School of Education and Human Development Clinical Fellows Scholarship.

Amy is pursuing her master's in counseling. She loves to learn, and her goal is to become a licensed clinical mental health counselor. Amy plans to graduate May, 2023.

Rachel Lannino

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling, concentration in school counseling, received the Dorothy D. and Richard W. Moore Scholarship.

Rachel is pursuing a master's in counseling with a focus on school counseling.

Carter Raymond

Degree Program: M.S. in Counseling with a concentration in Clinical Rehabilitation, received the Dexter Huntoon Memorial Award.

Carter's goal is to work as a clinician with an ACT team, or with similar resources, for those with severe and persistent mental illness. He hopes to develop long-term therapeutic alliances through outpatient care. Carter plans to graduate May, 2024.