Writing Center Portfolio

ENG 395: Writing Portfolio

12/06/22: ENG395 Presentation

Writing Center Presentation

A presentation including Writing Center scholarship that personally resonated with me, along with website highlights and writing samples.



This is the resume I used to apply for the ENG 395 course.

it demonstrates my familiarity with this genre of technical writing, and is capable of being altered to suit specific career goals.

10/17/22: Tutoring Philosophy

Tutoring Philosophy

"Writing as a Means to a (Meaningful, Conversational) End"


A narrative about my conceptions about tutoring, descriptions of my tutoring priorities, and my justification for tutoring that way. Areas of focus include emphasizing materiality/modality, infusing identity into writing, awareness of acculturation, and understanding writing as conversational communication. All terms are situated within Writing Center scholarship and my own understanding of those terms.

10/31/22: Term Paper

Term Paper

"Contemplating Frameworks: Identity and Writing"


"Contemplating the framework" is something that, especially in the early stages of our academic career, is not an opportunity we are able to indulge. This paper is a self-reflection and general reflection on the effects of our understanding of the academic framework of writing and how it corresponds with our identity.

09/26/22: Deliverable: Critical Reflection

Critical Reflection

"Materiality of Rhetorical Arguments and Tutoring Practice"

Although this critical reflection was created in the context of ENG 395, the content, theories, and strategies included throughout are of interest for students/instructors of ENG 101 as well as other writing center tutors.


A critical reflection (as defined in the ENG 101 Portfolio Assessment Rubric) of two assignments I composed for ENG 395: A Writing Center internship course. Critical reflection is an essential skill for all writers to improve the quality of their work.

Final Response Copy (Revised).mp4

Call and Response: Final Response

A Canva presentation made as the conclusion of a series of "Call and Response" assignments. As a "Final Response," I take the work of two colleagues and situate them in writing center scholarship, identifying terminology, explaining concepts, and providing relevant tutoring strategies.

Library Research Demo

A video demonstrating how to use the library databases to find relevant research sources for a paper.