HON 113

Course Description 

In order to graduate from the University of Southern Maine with an Honors minor, you must complete (at least) 8 courses in the HON curriculum. This course will serve as the honors component for your CHY 113 course, counting as 1 of those HON courses, and so will fulfill one of your Honors Core Curriculum requirements. (See the Honors website for more detailed information regarding those requirements: https://usm.maine.edu/honors/minor-honors

The ultimate goal of HON 113 is for you to engage in community outreach utilizing the knowledge of chemistry you gain from CHY 113. To that end, we will host a group of high school students in completing a modified version of the Green River Project. The Green River Project is the water quality project around which our first semester chemistry lab (CHY 114) is built around.

Learning Outcomes

In preparing for and participating in the STEM Expo, we will be focusing on the following learning outcomes of the Honors program:

1. Intellectual independence

Honors graduates should be able to:

2. Self-reflection

Honors graduates should be able to: