University of Maine 

Climate Migration Research

climate migration money flow (2002-2018) in millions of usd

This Sankey diagram displays the flow of climate migration funding from the top 10 donor countries to the top 10 recipient countries. The width of each line represents the amount of money sent to each country between 2002-2018. 

It shows the relationship between donor and recipient countries—principally the US-Mexico, Japan-Pakistan, Canada-Sudan, and UK-Kenya. The funding patterns reflect historical relationships, in addition to emerging donor states like Japan and Canada.

rio scores climate migration projects by region (2002-2018)

This heat map displays projects funded by the OECD that received a climate "Rio marker": biodiversity, environment, desertification, mitigation, and adaptation. The OECD set up the Rio markers system in 1998 to track the different types of development aid related to the Rio Conventions. Africa has received the most climate projects under this tracking system, and Environment is the most commonly used Rio marker.

Map of Donor Countries and Recipient Countries (2002-2018)

This chart displays a map of all countries participating in climate migration funding. The countries in red are donor countries. These countries are all wealthy and members of the OECD group. The countries in green are recipient countries. These are all poor countries who are primarily affected by migration due to climate change. This clearly shows that climate migration funding flows from the Global North to the Global South.

climate migration Donor Countries and amounts over time (2002-2018)

This bar chart displays the top 5 countries that made donations to climate migration projects between 2002-2018 and includes all other countries/organizations into the category "Other". The 5 OECD countries that donate the most to climate migration made up 42% of the total donations in 2018. The greatest total donations occurred in 2010 with almost a half billion dollars (USD). This chart shows that climate migration funding is not constant but has increased over the last two decades.