Meet your students

On this page you will find a mix of UMaine students' stories and data driven personas walking you through challenges and successes that impacted their learning journey.

These students' stories and data driven personas are meant to help you think through your courses and to explore existing barriers to inclusive learning by asking the following questions: 

We invite you to explore you biases with regards to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information, or veterans status. As you open each of the resources presented on this page, take a moment to reflect on the mental image you had formed of the students before accessing their information.

Who are you helping?

The following data driven personas are not actual students, rather they reflect the experience, challenges and success of several students. Learn how Universal Design for Learning practices help the diversity of students you have in your classes at UMaine/UMM.

Field of buckwheat in bloom


Apartment buildings by the sea in Tyros, lebanon


Frozen lighthouse in Cleveland, Ohio


Concrete stairs set in a grassy hill with trees on in the background, on top of the hill


Wooden plank path in a pin forest in Baxter State Park, Maine


Covered path in Gent, Belgium. Walls and ceiling are covered in Graffiti. Some is standing at the end of the path, and we can see part of the street through the opening.


Porch of a New England style house, with in the background a small private house and apartment building in Sommerville, Massachusetts


Sam [coming soon]

UMaine students' stories of challenges and successes

We want to hear from you! Tell us what challenges and successes related to course accessibility and inclusion you have encountered at UMaine. 

Students, please share your perspective

Instructors, please share what changes you made to foster success or solve a particular challenge one of your students encountered in your course.