New Media Projects


This pamphlet was made to accompany a presentation about the history of napping in Spain for Public Speaking at SMCC.

Classroom Observation

Form made after a classroom observation for an Education course at SMCC called Foundations of literacy. In this observation, I took notes on a reading instruction in an elementary school setting.

Storytelling without the Telling

This collage was made for CMJ-106 (Storytelling) where the class had to create forms of telling a personal story, or theme without using verbal communication.

International Student Advocate

This poster was created for EHD-202 (Education in a Multicultural society), where I had to advocate towards a theme in multicultural classrooms. In this case I decided to help battle "culture shock" by creating a sort of survival guide for incoming international students.

Brown Simple English Lesson Plan.pdf

Triple M lesson plan.

This lesson plan was developed in Foundations of Math for Teachers pt.2 at SMCC. The goal was to create a detailed lesson plan for Mean, Median and Mode, and select a specific grade to target it to.


This video was created for CMJ-106 (storytelling) where students could take creative liberties and create a program with any theme they pleased. My program was about family isn't always blood, and instead of presenting these to the class, I decided to play around with video editing and speed painting.

Reading for Learning .docx

Reading for Learning

This note-taking sheet was created for Foundations of Literacy, during a group project where we had to teach the class about a specific topic, in this case it was Reading for Learning.