
What is freeware? What is free software? Software used without payment can be called "free software" .

Users can download and use for free, but not allowed to change the content or use for commercial purposes. If you need to modify or use for commercial purposes, you must comply with the developer's authorization statement.

The common feature of these two kinds of software is that the developer or company puts them on the website for trial and promotion. There is usually a time limit or function limit for use. If users are interested, they can have complete functions or long-term use rights by pay for it.

The developer attaches the original code of the software when released. Users can not only use the software for free, but also modify it according to their needs. It is a development model that allows to share technological results. This type of software often forms a powerful community force, and everyone can be a developer, or a user. The most common example: Firefox. Because of the open source code, many convenient plug-ins have been created.

In addition to commercial software, there are more choice

The software provided on this site don't need to log in or NCCU VPN !

影像編輯 Graphics

多媒體編輯 Multimedia



Before installation, please evaluate your needs, the hardware requirements, and backup important data.

本站提供資訊包含 Freeware、Free Software 及 Shareware,安裝時請詳讀軟體使用者條款。
The information provided on this site includes Freeware, Free Software and Shareware. Please read the software user terms carefully when installing.

And remind again: Please respect intellectual property rights.

This site doesn't provide consulting services, users can use online community to solve questions.