News & Updates

9/16/2023 - the Bargaining Survey is out!

SEIU 503 Higher Education Bargaining has begun!

Please check your emails for your personalized SEIU Local 84 Bargaining Survey link.  This link cannot be shared, as it is an individual link for YOU 

This survey is short because this is a Collective Bargaining Agreement reopener, and our AMAZING SEIU 503 Higher Education Bargaining Team wants to hear YOUR voice to help guide our negotiations with management.

If you have any questions about the survey, please reach out to Stephanie Prentiss at any time!

Check out and join the SEIU Local 503 Higher Ed Workers Facebook Group or Higher Ed Admin Workers Facebook Group to keep up to date, and check out what is happening during our bargaining campaign.

Remember: WOU works because WE DO!

10/23/2023 - Bargaining Update from 503

BARGAINING UPDATE, from Johnny Earl (UO):

Most recent bargaining session, with university management, @ OIT. 

This bargaining session is a Reopener, with 7 articles on each side: the union opened the following CBA articles. (English / Spanish)

Management opened with a takeaway: working out of class (article 20: Section 6(A). Work Out-of-Classification p. 32) 

Bargaining Support Petition, here’s the link to the online petition

Bargaining communication via:

Upcoming bargaining dates & locations:

*** Portions of bargaining joint sessions will be available to view via Zoom