Concert Attire

Why a dress code for concerts?

The choral ensemble is made up of a group of students that perform together as a team. Our concert dress code unifies the group and is our team uniform.

Concert Dress Code

The concert dress for all students is all solid black (no logos, colors, or white.) Black dress pants, with black dress shirt, black t-shirt, or black top. Black Dresses and skirts are allowed as long as they adhere to school dress code guidelines. Students must have black dress shoes with black socks. Women may wear black flats or black heels.

High School students will wear all black as listed above but they will wear the red choir robe with black stoll over their concert black. The black ensures that if it is seen, it will be the same as all other students.

If you are unable to obtain these items or have any questions regarding concert dress, please contact Mr. Baiera, for further guidance.

Travis Baiera

#330-927-7140 ext. 6405