Oil City Blue and White Club


Section 1 – Mission: The mission of the corporation is to enlist, create, and encourage public interest and support of all band, athletic contests, and sports programs of the Oil City Area School District. 

Current Events

The Turkey Bowl is March 23rd! Tickets are $30 each. If you would like tickets, please see Blue & White officers, coaches or parent reps to make sure you get them before they are sold out! 

*All sports must donate a gift basket worth $50

*If you would like to assist with contacting local businesses for donations/support, please contact Holly McMahon at 814-758-8565

Mark your calendar! Track Invitational is May 4th. More details to come but we will need many volunteers to ensure a successful event.

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback for the Blue and White Booster club, please contact us at: blueandwhiteboosterclub@gmail.com.

Get your Turkey Bowl Tickets!

-Tickets are $30 and include the entrance fee, free beer, water, soda, hot dogs and chips.

-Tickets can be purchased from any coach and they are also available at Agway

-If you know of any businesses that would like to donate to the- Turkey Bowl, please contact 814-758-8565.

-If you are able to volunteer for the Turkey Bowl, please reach out to any of our coaches or officers.

Remember this is our largest fundraiser, so please plan to attend to make sure we can continue to support our Oil City athletes! 

We would like to welcome the officers for the 2023-2024 school year:

Co-President: Martha Heise

Co-President: Holly McMahon

Secretary: Cathy Stevens

Co-Treasurer:  Jamie Kirkwood

Co-Treasurer: Andrew Mumford (Welcome to our incoming treasurer, Krista Stevens!)

Helpful Resources:

See our Facebook Page at 'Blue & White Booster Club' for upcoming current events!