Human Computer Interaction & Behavioral Study

理念 /Vision


Research and design can go hand in hand. In the design academic field, a design should be built upon research activities, and a research outcome is expected to have practical applications. In the search to respond human needs, the design process can employ research methods to make informed and innovative design decisions. To this end, the investigated method can be technical, methodological, or behavioral. On the other hand, if engaged in a particular focused research area that is in constantly development, every phased research outcome in the progress could be a contribution to the advancement of a design theory, technologies for computer-aided design, or innovative applications of design practice.

設計 /Design

以模式語言 Pattern Language 的理論為基礎,用以觀察分析在資訊時代的今天,實體環境與數位運算如 Ubiquitous Computing 、Internet of Things 、 Social Networking 等的層疊環境下,人們所發展出的新的行為模式,與新的與人或社群、實體與非實體環境所衍生出的互動問題,並以「設計」來提出解決的方案。設計的操作以互動設計為主要方向,將互動技術納入小尺度的產品或空間設計,並透過無尺度的介面設計,解決大尺度的問題。主要整合的技術有:

Based on the theory of Pattern Language published in 1970s by Christopher Alexander, we have adopted the same approach to initiate design from the observations of human behaviors interacting with surrounding environments. What makes it different today is that the environment is no longer solely tangible but overplayed with intangible components introduced by the fast-growing computing technologies, such as Ubiquitous Computing, Internet of Things, and Social Networking. To this end, we aim to identify new problems from the complex interaction resulted from the new human behaviors and social patterns. In order to provide a solution, we integrate the technologies of tangible interaction design and intangible interface design, developing a solution that can solve problems in different scales. A focus on design technical skills include:

高動態範圍影像  High Dynamic Range Imaging
實體互動設計 Tangible Interaction
擴增實境 Augmented Reality
介面設計  Interface Design
行動裝置應用程式 Mobile  App

研究 /Research

在研究方法上,實驗室以心理物理學的心理實驗法為主,在人的尺度上,藉由量化的人機互動實驗,以量測來驗證互動裝置或介面設計的功效;在環境的尺度上,則以感知真實的數位模擬環境進行量化的感知研究,並以研究成果在實體互動設計視覺與視錯覺、以及空閒互動感知等領域上進行設計與創作。在專門理論與技術研究上,主要為研發與整合高動態範圍數位影像 (HighDynamicRangeImaging,HDR) 的相關技術,在人與空間的尺度下,建立感知忠實的數位環境,於空間感知 (Space Perception) 與擴增實境領域 (AugmentedReality) 的領域中,開發創新之應用;在人的尺度上,應用 HDR 技術與不同之互動技術,開發有形與無形的互動產品進行情緒調整、憂鬱減缓、生產力提升等的互動應用。主要的技術與研究方法為:

We employ research methods on Psychophysics to test hypothesis of the investigated research questions. For human scale, with measured human response from the conducted experiments, quantitative evaluations can be made in order to examine the effect of interaction and interface designs. For the environmental scale, we use a computer-simulated environment to conduct a perceptual study to investigate various issues of space perception and spatial interaction. For the specific field of technology. Lab of Tangible and Intangible Interaction Design continue to research the related theories and technologies of High Dynamic Range Imaging, and explore their applications in space perception and virtual reality. The research method and techniques include:

心理物理學 Psychophysics
行為地圖法 Behavioural Mapping
感知實驗 Perceptual Study
人機互動實驗設計 HCI Experiment

戴 楠青  Tai, Nan-Ching

國立臺北科技大學 互動設計系 教授
Professor, Department of Interaction Design, NTUT

Director of International Master Program of Interaction Design & Innovation 

Director of Undergraduate Program of Creative Design