A collection of e-learning tools

A MUNI Moodle system housed in Faculty of ARTS but available to all MUNI faculties.

A MUNI Moodle system housed in Faculty of Education.

A very easy to use website creation system that created this very website.

Why not have a course website filled with links to worksheets, videos, further reading and organisations' websites from around the world curated by you, specific to your course.

Your digitally literate students will love the website and refer to it for years to come.

Originally designed for the office, Microsoft Teams has a 'classroom' option that integrates One Note into the class with each student having their own notebook while the teacher can see all.

The biggest advantage of Teams is the seamless integration of all things Microsoft into one classroom "Team" along with tabs that can refer to other online resources such as a Quizlet set. All class resources clearly visible and seamlessly integrated in one place.

Google's version of a learning management system. Useful, however, difficult for students to enter first time every time due to GDPR and personal gmail accounts.

Portfolio Storage Places

Single-page Website Builders

Wiki's for education

Quizzes and Polls

Poll your class for their opinions or ask a quick quiz question and get everyone's feedback

Poll your class for their opinions or ask a live question to the whole class where everyone gets the opportunity to answer (regardless of thinking speed).

Take any online video (e.g. YouTube, TED.com, Vimeo) and turn it into a learning resource through asking short answer, multiple choice or true/false questions throughout.

If your students are registered inside Edpuzzle in classes, you can check up on the percent of the video watched and the answers they individually submitted.

Socrative Teacher

Ask live questions or a whole quiz to the class with the class results displayed on the screen for all to see. Start a discussion from the results!

Socrative Student

The student login address for asking a Socrative live question set.

The link Quizlet (for teachers) and Quizlet Live for students to be able to join a Quizlet live game.

The teacher can set up a large set of flashcards of vocabulary or grammar for their students to learn and remember.


A fun, live quiz system where students choose the one right answer or order four items (first to fourth). A lot of fun to play, however, fairly time-consuming to set up each question.

Play Kahoot!

The link for students to use to play a live Kahoot! game in the classroom.

Notes, Sharing and Chats

Very much like a sticky note system stored online with Google. Many things can be included on the notes, such as video links, images and audio and notes could contain a To Do check box list.

Notes can be shared with students who can either view the notes or be given edit access to add their "to do"s, images or notes.

Have a temporary, live chat with your students in class. The possibilities are endless, including getting quick feedback from students, getting a live summary of group chats in written form, corrections on errors, or teachers sending web addresses for games and quizzes for quick (typing-free) access for students.