

My name is Cathie Murphy. I love farming and I live and work on a farm in Winnebago County.

I love computers! I have a lot of fun creating various objects on the computer. I love improving my skill and knowledge.

Working with Dr. Read is a great experience! He is an awesome guy that is very knowledgeable in computers. He is my go-to guy for assistance!


Here is my classroom at school. I love my classroom. I normally have just lamp lights on with the big lights off. Less lights seems to make the room warn and inviting!

Goals for 2021 - 2022

Every year I tried to set goals to keep me on track. Here are two goals that I want to accomplish this year:

  1. Work out after school at the gym at least five times a week. It gets so hectic during the school year that it gets hard to work out, but I am setting the goal anyway.

  2. Get our Cardinal Student Podcast up and running effectively and efficiently this year. Dr. Read and I started this podcast right when COVID hit, thus we were never really able to get it going. However, this year we want to invite and encourage students to join the Cardinal podcast team of broadcasters. Anyone can join. No experience is necessary.


This is NIcky. This is a picture of him when he was a pup. He is now all grown up, but he is still a pup.


This is all-grown up Nicky. In the summer, Nicky and I sit out in the yard under the big maple tree and play and relax. He is an awesome dog!


This is Roxie. Unfortunately, Roxie die a year and 1/2 ago. She was an awesome dog. She was quite clever and very mischievous.

Dairy Cows

Here is a quick picture of a few of our dairy cows.

Red Calf

This red calf was so unique because her mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and great great grandmother were black and whites.

Antique Thrashing Machine

My dad donated this thrashing machine to the Midwest in Rockford.

Antique Corn Picker

My dad also donated this to Midwest in Rockford.

Christmas Tree

I love taking pictures.


This is LT (Long Tail). Great cat. He is one of many that we have on the farm.