Special Programs


Grades 11 and 12

No Credit

Study Hall provides students with a structured, scheduled time in the day to work on the completion of homework and assignments, and prepare for tests and quizzes in all subject areas. Students are assigned to an instructor for the class period and have the opportunity to take study hall for a semester or full year. Students should not plan on switching into a Study Hall after the start of the school year.

Study Hall (S1) - Course #004

Study Hall (S2) - Course #005

Study Hall (Full Year) - Course #006


Grades 11 and 12

This course is intended for students who wish to pursue a rigorous and focused course of self-motivated independent study. Enrollment is limited and will be approved by the Independent Study Committee. Students who have demonstrated an ability to work independently and have a strong interest in a particular topic that is not available through coursework offered at Medfield High School may apply in the spring to take an independent study for the following academic year. Students are allowed to take up to 5 credits of Independent Study during their high school career. This course is not calculated into the GPA, and is graded pass/fail.​ Each student must have a teacher who will monitor the progress of their study and assign a pass/fail grade at the end of each term. Students will be required to keep a weekly record of their progress, detailing the tasks completed and progress towards their goal, to be reviewed with the supervising teacher. Upon completion of an Independent Study, students will be required to showcase their work to the school community. Applications for Independent Study will be available in April/May.


Grades 11 and 12

Is there a course or subject of interest that we do not offer at MHS? There are a comprehensive array of courses available for students to take online. Students have the opportunity to take online courses through either Virtual High School or The Education Cooperative. Students may review course catalogs at www.vhs.org and www.tec-coop.org. Students must demonstrate high level of independence, good time management skills, and the ability to engage in online learning. Students do not sign up for online selections during the course selection, but rather a separate online course selection will be held in May. VHS - Students that enroll in VHS courses will have weekly course expectations and will be provided with term and semester grades. TEC-CL or TEC-OA courses are self-paced. Students will receive a Pass/Fail grade for the term grades, since TEC-CL or TEC OA does not provide term grades, but rather status updates. Students will receive their final grade for the TEC-CL and/or TEC-OA courses at the end of the semester. Students can take up to 7.5 credits of online courses.


4th Quarter Senior Year

The Senior Project is a personalized learning experience designed to engage 12th grade students in an in-depth study of a specialized area. Through early release from classes, this project allows seniors an opportunity to focus on independent inquiry and personal growth. Projects can range from sampling a potential career, developing a community service project, to exploring a deep personal interest. They offer students a chance to challenge themselves and provide a transition between high school and college. Students are supervised and guided through this experience by adults, both in school and out. Students are graded on their daily journal, a 5 to 8 page paper, an exhibition, and an oral presentation that incorporates a technology component. Seniors in good academic and behavioral standing are eligible to apply. A committee consisting of inside mentors and the Senior Project Coordinator review the applications and select the projects to be completed. Grades earned will be H, Pass, or Fail. Senior Project grades are not calculated into the GPA, and are graded pass/fail.


Grade 12

This program provides students with on-the-job skills that are not available at the high school in the form of courses. Only students who are considered to be receiving “alternative education” through working will be accepted into this program. This course is not calculated into the GPA, and is graded pass/fail.


The MHS Global Citizenship Program (GCP) is designed to foster students’ global awareness. Over the past several years, the Medfield schools have pursued initiatives aimed at offering our students a broader, more multicultural and international experience. Through this program students will gain interdisciplinary experience and knowledge of the world, and concurrently develop the communication and self-awareness skills to be flexible, respectful, and creative as participants in, and contributors to, a globalized society. This is a voluntary, self-directed option open to all Medfield High School students. By completing a global travel experience, foreign language learning, global service, a focus project, and a reflective essay and resume, students can earn a Certificate of Global Competence. Students may start this project as early as ninth grade and as late as junior year. Students will not earn academic credit toward graduation and all work will be completed independently with the help of the GCP Coordinator. To learn more about the project requirements, please visit the high school website under the Academics tab.