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We are recruiting students for M.Sc. Ph.D. and post-doc positions

Updated: March 2024

We are recruiting highly talented and motivated students for fully funded M.Sc., Ph.D. and Postdoc positions.


We offer an interdisciplinary scientific training, and encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds, including biological, computational and related fields.

To apply, please send CV and cover letter to

אנחנו מגייסים מועמדים מצטיינים ללימודי מוסמך, דוקטורט או פוסט-דוקטורט

עודכן: מרץ 2024

אנחנו מגייסים מועמדים מצטיינים ללימודי מוסמך, דוקטורט או פוסט-דוקטורט, שישתלבו בפרויקטים מחקריים פורצי-דרך של תהליכי בקרה מולקולרית של מולקולות רנ״א במהלך ההתפתחות העוברית.

אנחנו מציעים הכשרה אינטרדיסיפלינרית, ומעודדים פניות ממועמדים בעלי רקע במדעי החיים, מדעי המחשב ועוד.  מעוניינים? פנו אלינו 

We are recruiting a full-time lab manager.

Updated: November 2022

We are looking for a bright and motivated lab manager. 

We study embryonic gene regulation, using cutting-edge genomic and molecular approaches, in the zebrafish model. 

Full details and Apply here:

or send CV to

We are recruiting a part-time fish room technician.

Updated: November 2022

We are looking for a technician for our zebrafish room

We study embryonic gene regulation, using cutting-edge genomic and molecular approaches, in the zebrafish model. 

Full details and Apply here:

or send CV to

We are recruiting a full-time Research Associate.

Updated: July 2020

A research associate (PhD or Postdoc level) to lead an ERC funded project, aiming to study the regulation of early embryogenesis via mRNA degradation mechanisms. 

The Rabani Lab investigates the biology of RNA molecules, and how post-transcriptional gene regulation at the RNA level underlies early embryonic development.

We use a system-level approach, combining large-scale genomics with in-depth genetic and functional investigations in the zebrafish animal model. We offer state-of-the-art research facilities and an interdisciplinary scientific training.

Job Description

Skills and Qualifications


Please send CV and list of publications to Dr. Michal Rabani