App Smashing: Apps for Individuals Autism

2019 Michigan Autism Conference

Who: Dr. Julia VanderMolen, CHES, Google Educator I and II

Associate Professor of-Public Health, Grand Valley State University

When: October 10th and 11th

Where: Radisson Plaza Hotel & Suites | Kalamazoo, MI

Presentation Abstract

The number of mobile applications targeting cognitive training or activity assistance for all kinds of disabilities grows up on digital applications stores, such as Apple Store (IOS) or Google Play Store (Android) (Donker et al., 2013). Furthermore, touchscreen tablets have now become commonly used in various settings. This session will explore various mobile applications to help those living on the spectrum and their families to navigate daily challenges, enhance learning, and educate themselves about autism. The mobile apps are designed for use by individuals with autism with ages ranging from two years old to adults. The session will provide a brief review of mobile apps and links to the app developer’s websites as well as to iTunes and the Google Play store.

Session Objectives

  1. Participants will discover mobile applications for individuals with autism.

  2. Participants will explore mobile applications for individuals with autism.

  3. Participants will review mobile applications for individuals with autism


Donker, T., Petrie, K., Proudfoot, J., Clarke, J., Birch, M.-R., and Christensen, H. (2013). Smartphones for smarter delivery of mental health programs: a systematic review. J. Med. Int. Res. 15:e247. doi: 10.2196/jmir.2791

Fage, C., Consel, C. Y., Balland, E., Etchegoyhen, K., Amestoy, A., Bouvard, M., & Sauzéon, H. (2018). Tablet apps to support first school inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in mainstream classrooms: A pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2020. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02020

Fage, C., Pommereau, L., Consel, C., Balland,É., and Sauzéon, H. (2016). Tablet-based activity schedule in mainstream environment for children with autism and children with ID. ACM Trans. Access. Comput. (TACCESS), 8:9. doi: 10.1145/2854156

VanderMolen, J., Bierwagen, T., Bollin, A., Mitchell, A., (Spring/Summer 2018). The impact of assistive technology on autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals (JAASEP).

App Smashing: Apps for individuals with Autism

App Smashing Symbaloo