Lesson Plans
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Password: lunch pin
Quarter 3 Library
March 24 - 27 Presentations
Students will be presenting their book recommendations on Monday and Tuesday. We have a couple fun projects planned for the remainder of our time if we can get to them!
March 17 - 20 Final Project
Students will be introduced to the parameters of the final project. The grading rubric will be shared with them as a guideline for their work. The book they will use for their final project will be picked on Monday from one of the 5 they found last week. We will work on a Google Slide presentation throughout this week and next. We will explore ways each day using creative tools in Google Slides to make our presentations more pleasing to the eye. We will also find things that we can add to give our project more credibility.
March 10 - 13 Book Project Intro
For our final project, students will get to select a book to add to our library. It should be a book that they personally want to read and will be excited for it’s arrival. This week we will find five possible additions and create links to them in a Google Doc.
March 3 - 6 Creating Links
We will learn and practice inserting links into Google Docs. Students will use regular text, pictures, and even gifs(animated pictures) as active links to external websites and videos. We will be using links in our final project, so this gives the class a chance to hone their skills.
February 17 - 20, 24 - 27 Kirkus Reviews & Amazon
Kirkus Reviews is a website dedicated to reviewing books. One of the important aspects for us is that it gives us an age level which helps us decide if a book is middle school appropriate. Later in the quarter we will be picking a book to add to our library and this will be a useful tool.
Amazon does not offer reviews like Kirkus, but they usually have an age and grade level included. For most books they also offer a preview (First 5 chapters generally).
February 10 - 13 Goodreads
Exploring the Goodreads website and paring it together with Destiny Quest to determine whether books are in our library. Students will spend time finding books with 1 million ratings or more.
February 3 - 6 Digital Libraries
Students will spend time exploring Glasgow Schools Digital Library. With their Destiny accounts, they can check out books and audiobooks online. With a Glasgow City-County Library card students can access books digitally through MontanaLibrary2Go. We will also spend time navigating through that website and the class will have time to explore samples of text and audio books available.
January 20 - 23, 27 - 30 Intro to Library
We will be exploring the physical aspects of the GMS library. Students will should understand where to find fiction, non-fiction, biographies, graphic novels, magazines, as well as other resources the library provides. We will be using Destiny Discover to search for books in the library as well as recommend books to friends or create lists of books to read in the future.