
Unit 4


American Populism & Experimentalism

Unit 4 Listening Journal

1/20 - Aaron Copland; El Salon Mexico

1/25 - Aaron Copland; Fanfare for a Common Man

1/27 - Aaron Copland; Appalachian Spring

1/29 - Aaron Copland; The American Sound Video - See Google Classrooms for assignment

(Make sure you are logged in using your Fresno State Google Email account to access video content)
Copland the American Sound.mp4

2/4 - Charles Ives; Country Band March

2.5 - Charles Ives; Holidays Symphony Video - See Google Classrooms for Assignment

(Make sure you are logged in using your Fresno State Google Email account to access video content)
Ives Holidays Symphony.mp4

2/10 - Henry Cowell; The Banshee