UHS Physics 2023 - 2024

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Contact Information

Dr. Gettman

Room 107

Office Hours 2 - 4 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or by Appointment

Remind @d8dd2a

Welcome to Physics

Welcome to your first science class at University High School.  I'm Dr. Gettman, the teacher for the class.  You will be learning the concepts in my class that are the basis for all the other sciences, how math and science fit together, and various scientific practices and cross cutting concepts.  My doctorate is in physics with a bachelors degree in math,  so I definitely believe science and math are important, especially now.

Physics is all about how objects interact, the changes interactions cause, and how much change can one object do to another one.  Simple ideas, but science is also about the application of those ideas to the physical world.

Various Resources and Links

The textbook we are using is:  Inspire Physics (California Edition), by Zitzewitz, Haase, and Harper

Link to Back to School Night Presentation 

Link to Syllabus

Link to Class Rules

Link to Student Questionnaire

Link to Physics Materials List

Link to How to be Successful in Physics 

All non-lab will be posted on the Google Classroom page for downloading

Make sure you sign up for Remind to receive messages

Remind Code for Physics is @d8dd2a

All information is subject to change with advanced notice.