Course Resources

UHS Chemistry Class Supplies

These materials are expected to be in your possession in class at all times.

    • Binder or pocket folder for current worksheets, handouts, and all supplemental readings

    • Composition book (lined or graph) for Chemistry Journal; no spiral-bound notebooks; 100 sheets recommended

    • Graph paper (loose-leaf or in notebook, separate from bound journal)

    • Pens (only use dark inks for graded assignments)

    • Pencils and eraser

    • Whiteboard marker (1 pen; darker colors; no fine-point tips) - to be donated to class WB pen box

    • Calculator (scientific functions; graphing helpful but not required); used regularly in class; NO FREE LOANER CALCULATORS FOR TESTS - if you forget yours when one is needed on a test, you will be given one and some points (~2-3%) will be deducted from your grade.

    • Ruler (with metric units; 6” or 12”) for measurement and making tables, graphs

    • Optional materials: highlighters or colored pencils/pens, sticky notes/tabs to mark units, zipper pouch, additional personal whiteboard markers