creative Adventures in biology

Samples of Student Quests from Dr. Walter's General Education Biology Course

Students in Dr. Walter's General Education Biology course [Biology 10] began to complete three mini-project "quests" from over 20 possible quests. Students in the course can theme the quests or do them in special ways to earn badges and skill trees worth extra points.

  • In December 2020, Dr. Walter was awarded a Fresno State Provost's Award for Extraordinary Teaching in Extraordinary Times for this creative classroom innovation.

  • The goal of the quests is to use science in everyday life, explore and find value in nature, and share science with others. The quests differ from traditional assignments, as students are encouraged to use creativity and weave in their personal talents and interests for the assignment.

  • For example, students are encouraged to include their friends and family or do the quest in more than one language as part of completing their assignment.

All work below is shared with the permission of the student.

Animal Crossing Museum Tour

"Overall, I'm glad I did this quest. I was able to learn more about biology, Chinese, and me. "

Hiking Quest at Yosemite National Park

"It was an amazing experience and the smells of the fresh air and all the wildlife is something I won’t ever forget . . . Now after going to Yosemite, I am addicted to going and seeing the nature we are blessed to live in. "

Diverse Character in STEM Book 'Read Aloud'

"'Doc like Mommy' showed that a girl can be whatever she wants. She can be a doctor or do science, not only men can do that. Women and people of color are also interested in doing science, not like the stereotypes that scientists are all white men with crazy hair. "

Vegetarian Cooking Quest

"It made me feel good that I was cooking dinner for my family. I thought we could maybe reduce how much meat we eat and include more vegetarian meals into our meal plans ... and I like how I was also contributing to help fight climate change in some little way."

Layer Cake Earth Quest

"After this activity, it definitely sparked my curiosity for what the world was like millions of years ago. ... Once fully cutting the cake and icing and placing all our fossils and labeling everything, we felt pretty accomplished that we baked the cake!"

Sit Spot Poetry and Continuous Line Drawing

"This quest has helped me connect more to nature and appreciate all of it. I am so lucky to live so close to national parks and rivers like the one I visited. I learned that being outdoors really calms me down and helps me enjoy the little moments in life. It was a big de-stressor from all the things that have happened to me this year."