Research Team

Farin Bakhtiari, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator 

Ph.D., Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Texas at Austin 

M.A., General Experimental Psychology, California State University Northridge (CSUN)

B.A., Psychology, CSUN

Interests: hiking, traveling, trying new things, and spending time with friends and family.

Muneeb Afnani, B.S.

Lab Supervisor

B.S. Psychology, University of the Pacific

Research Interests: Parenting and family dynamics, particularly the role of ethnic/racial socialization in relation to the adjustment of children and adolescents in ethnic minority and/or immigrant families.

Career goals: I plan to pursue a doctoral degree in developmental psychology and eventually serve as a faculty member at a comprehensive university where I can teach, mentor students, and conduct research.

Interests: Photography, graphic design, and film

Analisa G. Padilla, B.A.

Graduate Research Assistant
A.A.-T. Fresno City College 

B.A. Psychology, California State University, Fresno

Research Interests: Substance use, risky behaviors, family communication, family cohesion, familism, and problem behaviors among adolescents in the Latinx community/historically marginalized groups. 

Career goals: Pursue a Ph.D. degree in in Human Development and Family Science and secure a faculty position within the California State University system.

Interests: Painting, ceramics, reading, playing piano, and gardening 

Leslie Nunez-Robledo

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Psychology Major

Research Interests: Autism spectrum disorder, health disparities among minorities and immigrants, mental disorders among children and adolescents

Career goals: Physician Assistant

Interests: Reading, cafe hopping, hiking, traveling, spending time with family and friends

Valentina Vivas Castaneda

Research Assistant
B.A. Psychology., B.S. Criminology with minor in German 

Education goal: Educational psychologist 

Research Interests: Cognitive processes underlying children's learning, with a focus on ensuring equitable access to education and identifying strategies to enhance learning outcomes

Career goal: Create my own non-profit focusing on improving children’s education and learning 

Interests: Soccer, traveling, and playing the guitar

Cristobal (Cris) Burke, B.A.

Research Assistant

B.A. Psychology, California State University, Fresno

Research Interests: Couples' dynamics, anxiety and memory disorders, substance use, and effects of technology on interpersonal relationships.

Career goals: Clinical psychologist

Interests: Being in nature, traveling, reading, playing the drums, and spending time with family and friends.