DISCOVERe Hub Guides On-The-Go Support Buttons


To enhance the current notification mechanisms (via phone, emails, and app) of DISCOVERe Guides On-the-Go Support service with the new AWS IoT Buttons technology to streamline request notification, tracking (visibility & accessibility), and management.


Place an AWS IoT Button at selected pilot testing DISCOVERe Classrooms.

  1. {Trigger:press the button}
  2. {Notification}
    • Create a Cherwell (Helpdesk) ticket
    • Create a Slack Notification to the DISCOVERe Hub support channel
    • Create an email notification as the failover
    • Add to Support Dashboard System and App (developed by Fresno State)
  3. {Service}




  1. Enroll the IoT Buttons thru IoT App
  2. Enroll the IoT Buttons to the campus Wireless 'Whitelist' -- since IoT Buttons do not support enterprise authentication
  3. Map IoT Buttons to the designed Lambda function
    1. match IoT Button serial# with the meta database for the actual room # (dynamodb)
    2. email, slack bot, Cherwell/Email queue, and add to request queue database (dynamodb)
  4. Dashboard app (React Native) access the request queue database thru AWS API Gateway


Service Letter from the DISCOVERe Hub and Helpdesk Manager:

We're experimenting with a new IOT (Internet of Things) button that faculty can press when they're in a particular room and it'll show up on a slack channel, email account, and dashboard of the mobile app that Max Tsai has developed.
The goal of this app is to make it easier to request Guide on the Go support without having to call the Hub. In order to do so, someone will be required to view the mobile app (that we'll load on an iPad) during a shift. When the faculty member presses the button it'll tell you the location of the room and your job is to click the "acknowledge" button on the app to indicate that you or another guide are headed over there.
You will then take the tablet with you so you can indicate when you arrive and close the ticket if you resolve the issue.
This will provide us with better metrics on how quickly we respond to requests.
Beginning tomorrow, Ravi will train each of you on how the app works so we can begin responding to those requests next week. Sounds fun right?! 
I'll be by as well to help you if you have questions. For any particulars regarding the app please feel free to email Ravi.


in progress of development