Fresno State SRI for Students
Use your Fresno State credentials. From this portal, you can complete student ratings surveys that are currently open for any of your classes.
Other Ways to Access Student Ratings
Email Links
Students receive an email from when surveys open for them. The link in the email takes them directly to open surveys.
These links are specific to one task, and they expire. So they do not provide a permanent point of access.
There is a "Course Ratings" link in two places in Canvas: on the menu for each individual course, and on the user's Profile.
This link takes the user to any task that is currently open. This typically works well for students to complete surveys, but Canvas links do not work if courses have been cross-listed / combined in Canvas.
Why should I fill out my student rating surveys?
Student Ratings are an official and anonymous way for
all students to have a voice at Fresno State.
All students can have their voice heard through this mechanism. Student ratings are required for all instructors at Fresno State. The Academic Senate administers the surveys, maintains their anonymity, and verifies that faculty see the reports only after grades have been submitted.
Who sees my responses?
First of all, know that your responses are completely anonymous. They are combined with other students from the same class, and are not connected to you. No one can ever see how you, specifically, answered the questions. Not your instructor. Not the department chair. No one.
But all of the combined responses from a particular class are provided to the instructor. The main purpose of student ratings is to improve instruction, so the teacher is your primary audience.
The chair of the department in which the class is offered reviews all student ratings, including the written comments. The ratings (but not the comments) always go into the instructor's permanent personnel file.
What kind of feedback is useful?
Specific feedback is more useful than general comments.
Include feedback about what you liked, what helped you learn, what you appreciated. Instructors need to know what's working.
Include constructive feedback about things that could potentially be changed.
Your Faculty Explain Why Student Ratings Are Useful to Them
What if one of my classes is missing?
The default is that student ratings surveys are available during the final five weeks of the semester. They close at midnight on Thursday of finals week.
While 85-90% of Fresno State classes are rated each semester, the rest are exempt for various reasons.
Some instructors choose to narrow the range of dates the survey is available. They may delay the start date for their class to be sure that they get to a specific point in the content, or they may close it down a bit earlier to get it done before finals week.
Feel free to ask your instructor if the course should be rated, and when questionnaires will be available.