Faculty Advisors

Dr. Shawn M. Russell

Office: NA-319 (North Campus)


Jane Puckett

Office: NA-219 (North & Wilinington Campus)


Ben Shaw

Office: NA-226 (North & Wilmington Campus)


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The contents of all pages published by students are solely the responsibility of the page authors. Statements made and opinions expressed on student pages are strictly those of the authors and not Cape Fear Community College. Cape Fear Community College does not review, approve, or endorse the contents of student pages, nor does the college monitor the content of any page except as necessary to investigate alleged violations of college policies, federal, state, or local laws, or the rights of other persons. Student publishers must comply with college policies, including the Acceptable Use Policy, as well as all applicable laws, including those prohibiting copyright and trademark infringement. Violations may result in the imposition of sanctions. Should you find an infraction, please feel free to notify the CFCC Webmaster.