Ms.Z smiling


About me

I have been teaching at CCSF for over 18 years, and enjoy getting to know and support students.  I will also expect a lot of you -- your mind and future are worth it!

Theme for English 1B

Check the semester's class schedule to see which focus a given semester will have.

Focus one: 

Southern Regionalism from the turn into the 20th century to mid 20th century holds glimpses into our country's history with war and PTDS, men's and women's roles, work, social structure, classism and racism.  It was a time of upheaval that precursed many of the social changes that came to light in the 60's and beyond. Our novel is Frankenstein, where we will take a look at its relevant, contemporary themes as well as Romanticism.

Focus two fall 2024:

In this course, we will look at the significance of nature as setting, tool for making a persuasive argument, and inspiration. Our novel, The Fox Wife, examines myth, fantasy, and fairy tale and how nature functions in those genres. We will also consider how one knows or does not know oneself, truthfulness, and deceit, when reading Othello. Look at the syllabus here.

Theme for English 1A and 1A + 1AS

This class is about becoming more successful in school and life.  One of our earliest assignments is to look at our time management carefully to plan for success. The books we will be reading all relate achieving success in school and life.  Grab a copy of our first book, Carol Dweck's mindset, and see what you think!

View my  full semester 1A Welcome Letter , current semester syllabus, English1A Summer School Welcome Letter and syllabus.

All full semester sections of English 1A have one hour of optional homework support time scheduled each week. For summer school, one to two hours of homework support time will be offered, depending on interest. 

All syllabi are supposed to be viewable by the public. 

Support for Online and Remote Students

Zoom meetings for online classes will be recorded for later review. Class time is a good place to ask questions and get support as you work.  Optional class time may be scheduled by demand.

For remote courses, attendance at  a minimum of 1.5 hours of scheduled classes is required each week, and an optional 1.5-hours class can be offered depending on demand. Please refer to the course schedule or the syllabus for days and times of class.

Instructor Contact Info

Elizabeth Zarubin, Department of English

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Online Learning

What are the real challenges encountered by both new and experienced online students, and how can you be successful? Tune into this short tutorial video to help debunk common myths about online learning.

What Makes a Successful Online Learner? Valuable tips for success and what to expect.