Sport and Society

Sport and Society PE 13
-Instructor: Sean Laughlin

Instructor Contact Info:

Sean Laughlin
Physical Education Department
Office: Well 132
50 Frida Kahlo Way -Well
San Francisco, CA 94112

Email or Canvas In box messenger for office hours

Course Information: 


This section of PE 13 will utilize CCSF's Canvas online course interface which is a standardized online format for teaching and learning online. Since this section of PE 13 is fully online, it will incorporate  online instruction, assignments, testing, and discussion.

The course is not a self paced course. It is important that students stay up to date with each new weekly released teaching module as the discussions and tasks will move right along.

Instructor to student contact will be through the course's built in discussions, assignment feedback and both Canvas's internal messaging as well as traditional email (

It is expected that discussions and assignments be submitted by the posted module's due date. However, discussions and assignments may be submitted after the deadline but may only receive partial credit.  Therefore, it is very important to stay up to date and submit by the due date. 

Are You Ready?:

Please review CCSF's Online Course evaluation to see if you are ready and qualify to take an online course. 

You should be proficient and "web savvy" enough to handle email and web browsing (among other things) on your own. 

You should be able to follow instructions and complete tasks in a sequential order.

You must also have access to a working and somewhat "modern day" computer with a good internet connection or fairly modern smart phone with the most recent version of the Canvas Student app.

You will not be able to complete this course if you do not meet the above criteria. 

How does all of this work?  A brief generic overview for is as follows:

Mid Term will consist of attending 2 live in-person sporting events. One women's sport and one men's sport during the first half of the term, then submitting a 1000 word analysis assignment.

Final will consist of a final course "wrap-up" paper.



For Fall and Spring semesters, typically, one single module is released each Monday.

For Summer, since it is normally only 6 weeks long and this course being a 3 unit course we will have 16 modules to complete in 6 weeks --for example: June 15 - July 26.  So:

Week 1 = 2 modules, Week 2 = 3 modules, Week 3 (July 4th week) = 2 modules, Week 4 = 3 modules, Week 5 = 3 modules, Week 6 = 3 modules.

Check the online course schedule at for this course's specific start (Canvas access) date.


You will succeed in this course if you meet the following expectations:

Read and follow directions.

Complete the assigned activities. Please let me know as soon as you can concerning difficulties that you may have in getting assignments in on time. 

Complete the discussion posts and replies within the given window of time. Our discussions are much more vibrant when we all participate!

No Textbook is required but you will need to complete internet searches and view videos.

Access to YouTube

Complete the final project on time.

Odds and Ends:

There is no on-site / on campus orientation. The orientation will take place online with in the course.

There are no on-campus meetings since this is a fully online course.

Some resources to get you started:
-Canvas Overview Video for Students
-Getting Started with Canvas as a Student 

There is no need to contact me directly prior to the class but if you wish, you may contact me via email at:
slaughli [at]   (note: [at] =@ and that there is no "n" at the end of my name).
in the subject line put in PE 13. Please include your full name AND student id number (not ss #).

There are no text books required. All materials will be online.  There will be many links to web articles and topic related You Tube videos so a decent internet connection is required.

Once we get started, I would prefer all communication with me to take place via email. If for some reason you are having problems you should review the troubleshooting information on the Canvas "how-to-log in" page first.

Again, please review CCSF's online Course evaluation to see if you are ready and qualify to take an online course. 

You should be proficient and "web savvy" enough to handle email and web browsing (among other things) on your own. 

You should be able to follow instructions and complete tasks in a sequential order.

You must also have access to a working and somewhat "modern day" computer with a good internet connection.

You will not be able to complete this course if you do not meet the above criteria. 

Student Email:

All out-of-class correspondence will take place via CCSF's automatic student gmail accounts. 

All in-class correspondence will take place via the Canvas messaging system.

Please review Student email set up & Student email log in regarding the CCSF gmail email system. 

All student-teacher email correspondence takes place via this account.

It is very important that you regularly check your CCSF student gmail account containing information about your courses. 

It is strongly suggested that you set up automatic forwarding to your personal email account. Please note that some "Hotmail and Yahoo" accounts have problems with the CCSF email system. 

Those Already Enrolled in the Course:

After enrolling, your name will be on my master list in which near the beginning of the semester you will be notified (via your CCSF student gmail) additional course information. 

Beginning week 1 of the term, you will then be able to log in to the CCSF Canvas online system and begin the course.

Check the online course schedule at for this course's specific start (Canvas access) date.

Adding the Class:

If you are interested in Adding the course once the term has already begun, you must do so via your myCCSF account:

Note that I normally take all adds through the add/drop period but normally do not accept Late Adds once week 3 of the term begins.

Wait list students WILL be able to enroll in the class, regardless if you move up on the list or not.
If you do not move up by the time that the semester begins, you can simply complete a Class Add Request within your Student Portal. I will accept all add requests during add/drop period that will then allow you to add the class.

After you have added the course after the semester has begun, it will take approximately 24 hours (business) from the time you actually added the course to the time that you will be able to log in. Once you are able to login it is expected that you will complete each Module in sequential order to get caught up. You must complete all missed work.

Logging In:

To access Canvas, you will need to go to:

Read this document first on how to claim your RAMID

To access the course you will need to log in to the CCSF Canvas online system with your RAMID .

It is also available through your MyCCSF account.

Technical Support:

If you encounter any technical issues with the course or password problems please refer to the CCSF Canvas online system document.  

Support information is located at the bottom of the document.

Also, check out CCSF's Online Course Support Center.

Instructors do not have the ability to re-set passwords.

Additional Links:

Information on "Succeeding in Online Classes"

Canvas overview tutorial for students

Canvas student guides.

CCSF Virtual Campus.

Disabled Students Programs and Services for academic accommodations. 

Canvas log-in and Canvas Support Hotline (844) 592-2198 available 24/7.   

Let's have a great term!