English 1AS 

crn # 73312


Course Syllabus (Links to Canvas)  

Course Information

(The following information is taken from the course Syllabus linked above)

This course will focus on how you, as a writer and thinker, organize and clearly develop your reasoning through the language you utilize in your writing. We will further develop your rhetorical skills and strategies in your writing by not only being aware of your audience (the rhetorical situation), but also by being aware of who you are as an author. We will accomplish this by carefully analyzing the ideas, concepts, and issues we learn through the reading assigned and the independent research you will conduct.  

This course is a fully online course taught completely asynchronously that is not self-paced. As we all know, this semester is a very unique semester with the campus closed and all classes being taught online. Fortunately, we all signed up knowing this course is fully online and will expect to engage with the course in a way to best utilize the tools and resources we have online. 

I will often comment in our group discussion posts. I look forward to reading our discussions and enjoy facilitating the conversation. I will most often keep my comments brief (not always) so as to allow everyone to focus on your peers' Initial Posts and Replies. There may instances where I will comment on your discussion post privately, perhaps to encourage you to further develop an idea for a future assignment.

At least once a week, usually Monday, you will receive a Weekly Announcement introducing the current Module and any course news. You can expect to receive multiple announcements per week and possibly per day.

Additional Help:

The English Lab (Links to an external site.) is an amazing resource offered by our English department. Please use this link to Enroll in English Lab Online. You will be prompted to "enroll" in the English Lab course, however, you are not enrolling in an actual course. After enrolling you will see an English Lab course shell in your Canvas dashboard. It is here you will be able to request to have your written work evaluated by an English tutor. This resource makes a huge difference for online students, so please take advantage of them. There is more information on the English Lab in the next page.

Student Q&A Discussion Board

On the Home Page for the course, you will find a Student Q&A Discussion Board. The sole purpose of this discussion board is for you to communicate with your peers. As it says, this discussion is a place where you can ask questions about the course and share tips you've learned as well as answer questions your classmates may have.


You may notice the "Pronto" tab in the far left Canvas navigation section. Pronto is another great way for you to communicate with your peers. Although I may check Pronto every few days, it is much better to contact my through the Canvas Inbox. 


Drop Policy

As an online class, your participation in the course is measured by your engagement in our discussion posts and your submission of weekly assignments. 


Late Work Policies

I am happy to work with you and offer time to make up most assignments. The main exception to make up work are our class discussions.

Please note: According to CCSF policy, “Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illness or occurrences beyond the control of the student. Students must provide documentation supporting the extenuating circumstances.”

Please note: According to CCSF Academic Policies and Procedures Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illness or occurrences beyond the control of the student. Students must provide documentation supporting the extenuating circumstances.”

Important Dates

As a fully Online Course, we have no required meeting times. 

Important Dates