Profile picture of instructor.

Trinh T. Tran, PhD

Department of Biological Sciences 

Office: Science Hall Room 317 (Ocean Campus)

Mailbox: S-11

Email:  or via Canvas inbox once class begins

Telephone: +1 415 239 3603

Note: Typical response time is 24-48 hours

Welcome to Nutrition

Nutrition for Health Sciences

Thank you for your interest in nutrition. I welcome you and look forward to having you in my class.  I currently teach Bio 130 and Bio 134.    

BIO 130 (Nutrition and Culinary Arts) introduces nutrition and food concepts relevant to students in the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Programs. Review properties of nutrients, common metabolic and digestive problems and the required diet modifications and treatment.

Both Bio 130 will be offered as online course.  You will work through the assignments, readings, and discussions on your own schedule, submitting your work by the specified deadlines on Wednesdays and Sundays each week. There are zoom meetings (orientation, office hours, review sessions) throughout the semester.

Bio 134 (Nutrition for Health Sciences) is an introductory nutrition course intended for students interested in entering the allied health fields with emphasis on physiology, metabolism of nutrients, metabolic diseases and dietary modification to optimize recovery and health. Students will understand and evaluate dietary intake, nutritional assessment, and nutrition care commonly used at clinics and hospitals.

Bio 134 will be offered as online and in-person courses.  For online courses, you will work through the assignments, readings, and discussions on your own schedule, submitting your work by the specified deadlines on Wednesdays and Sundays each week. For in-person course, plesae check the schedule for  meeting time and place. 

For Summer 2024, only BIO 134 will be offered. It is a 6-week class.  Although we meet online, we will have an orientation (strongly encouraged to attend) and weekly office hours (optional, but very useful).

Course Information

There are 3 nutrition courses being offered by the Biology Department 

BIO 130 introduces nutrition and food concepts relevant to students in the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Programs. Review properties of nutrients, common metabolic and digestive problems and the required diet modifications and treatment.
Book: Nutrition for Life by Grovesnor
Recommended for students in the Culinary Arts & Hospitality Program

BIO 132 introduces nutrition and food concepts relevant to day to day nutritional and lifestyle choices. Review properties of nutrients, common metabolic and digestive problems and the required diet modifications and treatment.
Book:  Nutrition for Life by Grovesnor                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Recommended for students who are interested in taking this course for general education.

BIO 134 is a nutrition course intended for students interested in entering the allied health fields with emphasis on physiology, metabolism of nutrients, metabolic diseases and dietary modification to optimize recovery and health. Students will understand and evaluate dietary intake, nutritional assessment, and nutrition care commonly used at clinics and hospitals.                                                                                                                                  Book:  Nutrition Science and Application, by Smolin Recommended for students who are interested in entering the allied health fields.  

Course Logistics: Waitlist/Add/Drop

Waitlist:  A waitlist system is available to assist you in registering for your classes. If you are trying to register for a class and the class is closed and there is an open waitlist, you may place yourself on it. If a student in the class drops and a seat becomes available, you will be notified by an email sent to your CCSF email account. You have 24 hours to register for the class once the email has been sent. If you do not register in that time frame, you will be removed from the waitlist and the next student on the list will be offered the opportunity to register for the class.

Drop:  If you decide to discontinue this course, it is your responsibility to officially drop it to avoid getting no refund (after 10% of course length), a W symbol (after 20%), or a grade (after 60%). Also, for several consecutive, unexplained missing assignments, the instructor may drop a student.

Important Dates 

For important dates regarding admissions and registration, check out College's website 

Bio 130: Nutrition & Culinary Arts

Section:  N/A

Start Date:  N/A

End Date:  N/A

Orientation:  First Tuesday of that semester at 6PM

Bio 134: Nutrition & Health Sciences

Sections:  TBA

Start Date:  

End Date:  

Orientation:  First Wednesay of the semester at  6PM

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Once you register for the course,  you will have access to the eTextbook.  If you want to opt out, you must do it within the first 2 weeks of school. You will get an email from CCSF bookstore or instruction via Canvas to opt-out to Follet Access.  The book fee will be assessed with your tuition.

Image of Nutrition Science and Applications book cover. Image of a large strawberry on the cover.

Bio 134 eTextbook

Nutrition Science & Applications, 4e WileyPLUS course 

ISBN: 9781119655848

Nutrition for Life book cover. Image of fruits on top. Various groups of people on the bottom.

Bio 130 eTextbook

Grosvenor, Visualizing Nutrition, 5e WileyPLUS course

ISBN: 9781119805762