Instructor image

Marie Varelas

M.L.I.S., San José State University

B.A., Liberal Studies, SF State University

Welcome to Spring 2024!

Welcome LIBR 58 students!  

I am so happy you've taken an interest in this course and I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you! 

I'm Marie Varelas and I will be your online instructor for LIBR 58 for the third part of the course called Business Libraries. I will be joining two other instructors to co-teach LIBR 58 that begins on January 29, 2024. 

This class is part of CityOnline and has a shorter semester (16 Weeks) and taught online in Canvas. It begins January 29, 2024 and ends on May 22, 2024. 

Please know that I am committed to creating and supporting you in a safe and respectful learning environment. I am constantly growing and learning as an educator, and I welcome your feedback. We are in this together!

I look forward to meeting you online!

Instructor Contact Information

Instructor: Marie Varelas, MLIS

Department: Library and Information Technology


I will respond to emails within 24-48 hours, Monday through Friday, exclusive of school holidays.

Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00 PM and by appointment via City Zoom in Canvas. 

I'm happy to arrange times to meet individually via Zoom. Just let me know!

Canvas Logo by Instructure

Log-in Instructions

Go to the RAM ID Portal and Login.

Username: CCSF ID, examples: W12345678 or @12345678

Your Canvas password is your RAM ID password.

Instructions for new students

Once logged in, Click on the Canvas Tile.

Shortcut: Login directly to Canvas.

Canvas Chat Support is available 24/7.

Canvas Student Guide

Online Learning

What are the real challenges encountered by both new and experienced online students, and how can you be successful? Tune into this short tutorial video to help debunk common myths about online learning.

What Makes a Successful Online Learner? Valuable tips for success and what to expect.