What happens when I tried to take a nice picture of myself!

Welcome to Fall 2022!

Hello and welcome to my website! I'm Mark (he/him) and I teach psychology!

To the left, you'll find a picture of what happens when I try to take a nice professional picture of myself with my dog and then drop the phone halfway through. Isn't it awkward? Yes! And now that we've got the awkwardness out of the way -- I hope you feel more comfortable contacting me! (Info below!)

This fall, I'm teaching General Psychology (online) and Theories of Personality (in person). I'm excited to speak with you about these important topics and hope you leave my courses with a lot of knowledge and even more questions!

Please stay tuned for important dates, which you'll find below once the schedule is released!

Please know that I only follow the official waiting list for all of my courses, so make sure to sign up for the course you're interested in on the student portal as soon as possible! I'll add as many people as I can once the course officially starts!

Important Dates

(This is a placeholder! More info coming soon!)

Instructor Contact Info

Want to reach out to ask a question? Get in touch!Feel free to email me at mshrayber@ccsf.edu. If you're already enrolled in one of my classes, the best way to reach me is via Canvas Inbox.

My office hours are Wednesdays from 6-8pm. You can sign up using Calendly! I do my very best to respond to all emails within 48 hours Monday-Friday!

Canvas Logo by Instructure

How to Log on to Canvas

Go to the RAM ID Portal and Login.

Username: CCSF ID, examples: W12345678 or @12345678

Your Canvas password is your RAM ID password.

Instructions for new students

Once logged in, Click on the Canvas Tile.

Shortcut: Login directly to Canvas.

Canvas Chat Support is available 24/7.

Canvas Student Guide

Online Learning

What are the real challenges encountered by both new and experienced online students, and how can you be successful? Tune into this short tutorial video to help debunk common myths about online learning.

What Makes a Successful Online Learner? Valuable tips for success and what to expect.