Course Information

This course focuses on reading and analyzing children's literature. 

Textbook (which is accessible for free through Digital Commons):


Important Dates

This is an asynchronous online class; there are no required Zoom or in-person meetings.  

Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Course Policies

Communication Policies

Contact Information:  

Office Hours:

Canvas Discussions:  

Drop Policies

I want you to successfully complete this course!  That begins the first week. 

I need to make sure that you are active and present in the course.  That means, you need to complete all of the assignments in Module 0 & 1 must be submitted by Wednesday of Module/Week 2.  If you don’t complete this work by the date noted, you will be dropped from the course as a “no show.” You have not showed up to class. 

I also want you to be successful and active as the semester progresses!

That means you actively engage and participate in our online class each week by:

Because I care about your academic success and record, I will withdraw inactive students by the withdrawal deadline. I define inactive as students who have not responded to my emails of concern within two weeks and/or have not submitted 50% of their course materials by the withdrawl deadline of the course. 

Work Policies

Learning to meet deadlines is an essential academic leadership skill, especially in a composition course; I provide timely feedback to encourage and guide your efforts for the next reading and/or writing assignments.    In this class, while you will have set weekly deadlines, I will accept most assignments late (with the exception of discussion replies). 

While I will accept late work, late work will lose points (see rubrics attached to each assignment in Canvas).  And,  work submitted more than 1 week late will not receive extensive written or verbal feedback simply because my grading window time has passed for that assignment.