Proportion Problems

Each of the problems below is a link. If you click on the problem, it will take you to a YouTube video of a full, step-by-step solution for the problem. You may try these problems as practice and use the videos to check your answer, or you can just watch the videos to see more worked-out example problems.

1.	On a certain map, a distance of 1.5 inches represents 30 miles.  Calculate the distance between two cities that are 4 inches apart on the map.
2.	At a certain gas station, it costs $21 to buy 6 gallons of gas. How much would it cost to fill up a 20 gallon tank with gas?
3.	A chef knows that she needs 4 cups of flour to make 18 pancakes. How many cups of flour would she need to make 45 pancakes?
4.	A chef knows that she can feed 8 people with 18 pancakes. How many people can she feed with 45 pancakes?
5.	A chef knows that she can make 18 pancakes in 30 minutes. How much time would it take her to make 45 pancakes?
6.	Sean drove 125 miles and used 6 gallons of gas. At that same rate, how many gallons of gas would he need to drive 300 miles?
	Sean drove 125 miles in 2 1/2 hours. At that same rate, how long would it take him to drive 300 miles?
8.	In a shipment of 450 iPhones, 18 are found to be defective. How many defective iPhones would be expected in a shipment of 1000 iPhones?