Travel Through History!

Lillian Marrujo-Duck in her garden and some photos from her travels.

The phrase, “you had me at old,” definitely sums up my life. Crumbling ruins, dusty junk collections, or online lectures on the latest discoveries in archaeology and history, capture hours of my attention.

That’s me in my garden, plus some pictures of my recent travels.

At the bottom is a 20,000 year old cave painting in Lascaux, I especially like the little person drawn on the left. .

In the middle is an underground Roman ruin in Prague.

And I am absolutely positive there is a prize waiting for me in that dusty jar of life’s remnants from Istanbul at the top.

Instructor Contact Info

Dr. Lillian Marrujo-Duck

History Professor

City College of San Francisco

Ocean Campus, Batmale Hall 660

50 Frida Kahlo Way

San Francisco, CA 94112

(415) 239-3531 (preferred until registered in class and class has begun, then I prefer the Canvas Inbox email).

I typically respond to emails within 48 hours, Monday through Friday.

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