Welcome to Fall 2024!

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is part of City College of San Francisco’s Earth Sciences Department. The GIS program is for students who for their major or career need to develop in-depth knowledge of the fundamental concepts and practice of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and learn hands-on problem-solving skills doing real-world GIS application projects. Students will be able to apply this knowledge and hands-on skills to various fields including, but not limited to, planning, engineering, geography, criminology, real estate, biotech, public utilities, transportation, forestry, ecology, resource management, emergency response, business/marketing. Students who complete the three-class program can apply for a Certificate of Accomplishment.

Page updated 6/19/24 13:00

Elizabeth J. Proctor, Department of Earth Sciences

About the CCSF GIS Class Sequence

About GEOG 110 and GEOG 111

Is online GIS a good fit for you? Don't enroll until you have read the following sections carefully:

Your computer experience

Are you comfortable with Windows PCs?

There is no listed prerequisite for this class, however, taking any GIS class requires basic computer literacy. Specifically, experience and a comfort level with the Windows operating system and file management.  The goal of this assessment is to help you be certain that you have mastered the skills that are needed to be successful in this course!

Review the Windows operating system Computer Skills Self-Assessment and answer the questions for yourself.  If you are unable to complete all of the tasks on this self-assessment with confidence, obtain help from a friend or an online source until you are comfortable completing them without guidance. The skills that are critical to this class are the file management skills.

"...But I am a Mac person!"

In the past, some students who were super adept with Mac computers found GIS software to be very frustrating simply due to learning curve with the Windows operating system. Specifically, file management.

Here are some suggestions:

Before enrolling, please honestly assess your comfort level with handling files in the Windows operating system. If you are unable to complete many of the tasks in the self-assessment, consider completing a preparation course, or enlisting the help of a friend or tutor, before taking this GIS class. 

Your computer technology

Do you have access to a Windows PC for the entire class?

ArcGIS Pro is a Windows program only, and requires robust/newer hardware. 

It does NOT run natively on Mac. 

And it does NOT run on Chromebook computers at all. 

The software also requires a persistent internet connection to license and run. 

All five of the following are required, no exceptions:

On Windows computers, there are minimum hardware specifications that need to be met in order to run the software. The requirements can be found on Esri's Windows system requirements page for ArcGIS Pro. This semester we will be running ArcGIS Pro 3.3.x.

Mac users can can find info on Esri's help page on running ArcGIS Pro on a Mac.

If your Windows computer is older, and doesn't meet these requirements, you may find that the software doesn't work, or is frustratingly slow to use. Your instructor can't tell you if your computer will or won't work; you have to use the Esri resources linked, and decide for yourself.

Some loaner laptops may be available from the CCSF library. You are responsible for researching this option, and using your expertise and the Esri links above to determine if a CCSF loaner is sufficient for this class.

GEOG 110: Introduction to GIS (72644-931)

A primer course for GIS technology. History, structure, uses, and current trends of GIS, related fundamental concepts, basic query, and cartography operations using industry-standard ESRI's ArcGIS software.

GEOG 111: GIS Analysis & Modeling (70561-931)

Foundational course of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. GIS database design, data collection, sophisticated analysis, 3D modeling, production of professional maps. Hands-on training using industry-standard GIS software by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). Introduces Global Positioning Systems (GPS) as they relate to GIS.