Intro to Dietetics Profession

HLTH 170 (1 unit, 6 weeks, hybrid online)

Nutrition Assistant Program logo

Spring 2021

HLTH 170 (CRN 33478-961) Introduction to Dietetics Profession is a 1-unit hybrid/online course, and is highly recommended as a valuable elective if you are thinking of dietetics as a future educational or professional career goal, or are interested in pursuing the new AS-T Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. We will focus on the scope and nature of work in the nutrition field, including higher education pathways, career opportunities, professional roles, skills, responsibilities, and ethics. You will have the opportunity for self-exploration of your goals, interests, and abilities while developing the beginning stages of your ePortfolio. There will also be guest presentations by several alumni who are gainfully employed, and networking opportunities with registered dietitians.

Instructor Contact Information

My name is Lisa Yamashiro, MEd, RD. I am full-time faculty with the Health Education Department, and have served as the Program Coordinator for the Nutrition Assistant Program for many years. As a registered dietitian (R.D.) and educator, I live what I teach. I'm passionate about food, nutrition, and health - from growing, to cooking, to eating. . . and keeping active and fit. I look forward to sharing our common passions.

City College of San Francisco, Health Education Department

Ocean Campus, 50 Frida Kahlo Way, MUB 353, San Francisco, CA 94112


Once in Canvas, please use the Canvas Inbox as preferred method of contact.

Response time: 24-48 hours (except Sundays)

Office Hours: by appointment by CityZoom

Course Syllabus

HLTH 170 Syllabus in Canvas

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:

  1. Assess personal interests, capabilities, and education/career goals to prepare for success in school and/or professional careers in the nutrition field.

  2. Compare the diverse employment opportunities and educational pathways in the nutrition field.

  3. Evaluate professional readiness for field experience within a public health, community-based, or health care setting.

  4. Prepare and develop a professional portfolio.

Course Basics

HLTH 170 Intro to Dietetics Profession

CRN 33478 - 961

(1 unit, hybrid online)

Dates: late-start, short-term 6-week course from January 19 to February 28, 2021.

The online portion of HLTH 170 will be facilitated using CCSF's online learning management system (Canvas).

This is a short term course. Expect to spend at least 10 hours/week.

Class Meeting Schedule

This course will be offered as a late-start, short-term 6-week course from January 19 to February 28, 2021.

COVID-19 Update: Due to the pandemic, there will be NO on-campus meetings. We will be fully online.

In order to protect the health and safety of everyone at CCSF, CCSF is currently operating on a remote basis and buildings are not accessible at this time. As the public health situation allows, we hope to be back on-campus.

Log-in instructions for Students

Go to

Username: CCSF ID, examples: W12345678 or @12345678

Your Canvas password is your RAM ID password.

RAM ID instructions for students (Google Doc)

Canvas by Instructure logo

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Online Learning

What are the real challenges encountered by both new and experienced online students, and how can you be successful? Tune into this short tutorial video to help debunk common myths about online learning.

More Resources

Canvas Chat Support is available 24/7.

Canvas Student Guide

CCSF Online Course Support Center

Disabled Students Programs and Services

CCSF Virtual Campus