Cult Cinema



Before the class begins: Once the class is full, students are able to request placement on the wait list. The wait list has ten spots. If a spot opens up in the class before it begins, the registration system will contact the first person on the wait list via CCSF email to offer them the spot. Wait list students are given a window of time (24 hours) to add the class before their spot is offered to the next student on the wait list. You must check your CCSF email every day. If you are offered a spot in the class and you miss your window, you will be removed from the wait list and your spot will be offered to the next student on the list.

After the class begins September 3rd: Once the class has begun, the wait list disappears. After the course has begun, all students who were previously on the wait list need to add themselves to the “Class Add Request” list ASAP. Any student can add themselves to the “Class Add Request” list. If there are any open spots in the class after it begins, I will authorize adds for as many spots that are available from the “Class Add Request” list in order on the first day of class and throughout Week 1. You must check your CCSF email every day. If you are offered a spot in the class and you miss your window, you will be removed from the “Class Add Request” list and your spot will be offered to the next student on the list.

IMPORTANT: I will not add any students to the class after the first week. I will not give extensions on assignments due at the end of Week 1 for students adding the class late in Week 1. As soon as the class enters Week 2, the roster is set, and the class moves forward.

Placement on the wait list or “Class Add Request” list does not guarantee a spot in the class. Please continue to look for other open CCSF classes and assume that you will not get into the class. IMPORTANT: The registration system might indicate that spots are open in the class when in fact those spots are waiting to be claimed by those on the wait list or “Class Add Request” list. Please do not email me about adding the class. Registration will contact you via CCSF email if any spots are available. Thank you.


Cinema Department Fall 2024

Instructor: Denah Johnston

Time: Online Course/Canvas

Messaging for class related items: Canvas Inbox  only for enrolled students. 

Typical response time within 48 hours M-F, not including holiday or school closures.

Email: djohnston(at)

Other Courses Taught By Professor Johnston in Fall 2024:

CINE 20B International Film History 1930s-1960s

CINE 23B Focus on Film Noir


RAM ID Portal/Canvas Login Help

Canvas Support Hotline (844) 592-2198 available 24/7

Cinema Department Website

Cinema Department Facebook

Cinema Department Twitter

Course Description:

Study the history and development of cult films and the integral role cannabis and drug culture has and continues to play in their creation, production and reception. Considering the social, cultural and political subversion of films screened; reception and ritual practices of cult audiences; analyze the transgressive nature of midnight movies, questions of taste, film aesthetics, and the influence of cult films and cannabis culture on mainstream cinema and branding.

This class was developed to support the Cannabis Studies Program the Film Studies AA and Film Studies Certificate! It is also GE applicable.


All films for the class will be embedded in Canvas via streaming resources provided by the CCSF Library such as Films on Demand, Swank, and Lumière. Once you use your RAM ID to access Canvas you will be able to stream films and clips in each Module.

Cinema Research Guide for CCSF Libraries

Succeeding in Online Classes

Required Text:

Ernest Mathijs, Jamie Sexton. Cult Cinema An Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

cover of Cult Cinema textbook

Student Learning Outcomes:

* Analyze cult cinema in relation to a range of film texts

* Evaluate cult films with regard to their form, production, and ideologies

* Investigate specific aspects of cult cinema and cannabis culture

Grading Breakdown:

Discussion & Response Posts (50% of Final Grade ) 

Quizzes (15% of Final Grade) 

Midterm Essay (15% of Final Grade)

Final Project (20% of Final Grade)

Late Work Policy:

Late assignments cannot be accepted except in severe circumstances. Do not message me late work. You will not receive any points for late work. Also, please keep an eye on the “Announcements” link on the left side of the course homepage. Recent Announcements will also appear on the course home page. 

Final Grades 

100-90 = A

89-80 = B

79-70 = C

69-60 = D

< 59 = F 

Standards of Conduct

Students who register in CCSF classes are required to abide by the CCSF Student Code of Conduct

Violation of the code is basis for referral to the Student Conduct Coordinator or dismissal from the course or CCSF. You are expected to do your own work, and have your own unique answers to questions. Anyone found cheating or plagiarizing the work of others will receive a zero on the assignment and face disciplinary action at the college. PLAGIARISM = copying/citing the words, images, videos, or ideas of others without giving them credit. 

Additionally, use of Chat GPT/AI is not acceptable for any class assignments.

DSPS Accommodations

Disabled Students Programs & Services

Students with disabilities who need academic accommodations should request them from the Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) located in the Rosenberg Library, Room 323 on the Ocean Campus. Telephone: 415-452-5481 (V) 415-452-5451 (TDD).